Fox Wire Farm Alpacas is excited to celebrate 2019 National Alpaca Farm Days on September 28 and 29, 2019, along with our fellow alpaca farms across the United States! Join us for an exciting and informative day experiencing EVERYTHING ALPACA!

We will be updating this page with a schedule of activities that will be happening at both our store & boutique and on the farm as our plans evolve.  You also can follow us on Facebook or Instagram for the announcement.  It’s sure to be a fun-filled event, so stay tuned!

Volunteers Needed

We rely heavily on our volunteers to help stage the event, so if you are interested in volunteering, please contact us at 757.741.2776, Ext. 340 to sign up.  Volunteers must be 16 and able to participate for the full day. Download our VOLUNTEERS job description for more information.